Unfortunately we don’t take reservations! Swing by for a walk-in table 🙂

About Xu

Xu Noodle Bar is a family-owned business established in Noord-Brabant, with the first restaurant in the city of lights, Eindhoven. Exactly 1 year later, we expanded our love for noodles by opening a restaurant in Tilburg. We are specialized in fresh made noodles and homemade broth, inspired by generations-old family recipes. We love to welcome you in one of our restaurants.














Chicken soup with an extra egg and extra noodles???? .
#XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Homemade #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #Chicken

Chicken soup with an extra egg and extra noodles???? . . . . . #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Homemade #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #Chicken

Warm yourself up with our spicy soup in this cold and rainy weather? ! Are you a dare devil? Try our Asian Spice! Be careful, it really burns?. We can assure you that you’re nose will be open again when you’re having a cold? .
#Spicy #XuNoodleBar #Cold #Soup #Noodles #Asian #Winter #Rainy #Hot #Homemade #Tilburg #WaarTilburgEet

Warm yourself up with our spicy soup in this cold and rainy weather? ! Are you a dare devil? Try our Asian Spice! Be careful, it really burns?. We can assure you that you’re nose will be open again when you’re having a cold? . . . . ? #Spicy #XuNoodleBar #Cold #Soup #Noodles #Asian #Winter #Rainy #Hot #Homemade #Tilburg #WaarTilburgEet

Curry Chicken Rice Bowl ? . .
#XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Asian #Chinese #Food #Homemade #Hotspot #FollowUs #RiceBowl #Curry #Chicken

Curry Chicken Rice Bowl ? . . . . . #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Asian #Chinese #Food #Homemade #Hotspot #FollowUs #RiceBowl #Curry #Chicken

Some people wonder how long our noodles are.. time to figure it out yourself? . . . . . . #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #foodie #instafood #HomeMade #Tillie

Happy face of @veranheerkens ????.
#XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #foodie #instafood #Repost

Happy face of @veranheerkens ????. . . . #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #foodie #instafood #Repost

Rice & Noodles. Love for neon lights. ?#Interior #Xunoodlebar #Tilburg #Neon #lights #Chinese

Rice & Noodles. Love for neon lights. ?#Interior #Xunoodlebar #Tilburg #Neon #lights #Chinese



Thanks voor alle reacties allemaal! Vanaf nú is de Xu GoodieBag (t.w.v. €17,50) verkrijgbaar voor €12,50! Hier zit een leuke sticker, ingegraveerde Xu Noodle Bar eetstokjes?, een Send-Noods Embleem, een toffe Send-Noods shopper en een giftcard t.w.v. €12,50?! Te bestellen via DM, dan wordt het zo snel mogelijk naar je toe gebracht! Alleen in omgeving Tilburg. ? OP=OP
Thank you for all the responses! From now on is the Xu Goodiebag (worth €17,50) available for €12,50! It contains a nice send-noods sticker, engraved Xu Noodle Bar chopsticks ?, a Send-Noods batch, the awesome Send-Noods shopper and a giftcard with the value of €12,50?! You can order by DM and it will be brought to you asap. Only in Tilburg and nearby regions. ? As long as supplies last! .
#XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #SendNoods #GoodieBag #Indebuurttilburg #SupportUs #ThankYou #SendLove #SupportYourLocal

Thanks voor alle reacties allemaal! Vanaf nú is de Xu GoodieBag (t.w.v. €17,50) verkrijgbaar voor €12,50! Hier zit een leuke sticker, ingegraveerde Xu Noodle Bar eetstokjes?, een Send-Noods Embleem, een toffe Send-Noods shopper en een giftcard t.w.v. €12,50?! Te bestellen via DM, dan wordt het zo snel mogelijk naar je toe gebracht! Alleen in omgeving Tilburg. ? OP=OP . . . Thank you for all the responses! From now on is the Xu Goodiebag (worth €17,50) available for €12,50! It contains a nice send-noods sticker, engraved Xu Noodle Bar chopsticks ?, a Send-Noods batch, the awesome Send-Noods shopper and a giftcard with the value of €12,50?! You can order by DM and it will be brought to you asap. Only in Tilburg and nearby regions. ? As long as supplies last! . . . . #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #SendNoods #GoodieBag #Indebuurttilburg #SupportUs #ThankYou #SendLove #SupportYourLocal

Hello there! Have you seen our giant lucky cat on the wall? ? .
#XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Homemade #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #LuckyCat #Waving

Hello there! Have you seen our giant lucky cat on the wall? ? . . . . . . #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Tillie #Noodles #Asian #Chinese #Food #Homemade #Hotspot #FollowUs #SendNoods #LuckyCat #Waving

KOM JIJ ONS LEUKE TEAM VERSTERKEN? Stuur je CV en motivatie naar ? .
#Vacature #Tilburg #XuNoodleBar #Horeca

KOM JIJ ONS LEUKE TEAM VERSTERKEN? Stuur je CV en motivatie naar ? . . . . . #Vacature #Tilburg #XuNoodleBar #Horeca

Super mooie foto van Schanel Asanov?. #GoodVibes #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Repost #Foodie #Noodles #Restaurant

Super mooie foto van Schanel Asanov?. #GoodVibes #XuNoodleBar #Tilburg #Repost #Foodie #Noodles #Restaurant

‼️BELANGRIJKE MEDEDELING!‼️ We willen heel graag onze liefde voor noodles met jullie blijven delen maar tegelijkertijd voelt het voor ons niet goed om open te blijven. Daarom kiezen wij ervoor om onze deuren te sluiten tot nader order. Dit om de gezondheid van ons personeel en gasten te waarborgen. Wij wensen iedereen veel sterkte en hopen jullie na deze ellendige periode weer blij te maken met onze noodles! Stay safe & take care of each other. ♥️♥️ ‼️IMPORTANT MESSAGE‼️ We really want to keep sharing our love for noodles but at the same time it really doesn’t feel right to keep the restaurant open. Therefore, we decided to close our restaurant temporarily. This for the health of our employees and customers. We wish everyone a lot of strength and hope to make you happy again with our noodles after this unpleasant period. Stay safe & take care of each other. ♥️♥️ #StaySafe #Tilburg

© Copyright XU Noodlebar